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Places of refuge, not harm

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Nov, 2019 11:58 AM

Christian psychologist Dr Diane Langberg is holding a one-day conference on power and abuse in the Church.

Places of refuge, not harm

Photo courtesy

Dr Langberg is a practicing psychologist whose clinical expertise includes 45 years of working with trauma survivors and clergy. She speaks internationally on topics related to trauma, ministry and the Christian life.

She is the director of a group practice in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, staffed by Christian psychologists, social workers and counselors. The staff has expertise in many areas, including sexual and domestic abuse, addictions, depression, anxiety, marital and family therapy and eating disorders. They work with adults, children and adolescents, and couples.

She says:

"I have learned many lessons over the years. I have listened to countless tragedies. Of one thing I am certain: unless we are gripped by the truths of the Cross of Christ in our own hearts and lives, the hope and power of the Cross will not pass from us to others. We cannot give what we do not have.

"May love and obedience to the Son of Man so govern our personal lives that he can through us bring his life to this ruined planet."

More info here

The day is being organised by Cliff Turner, from Church as a Refuge. Cliff was chair of the safeguarding boards in Dorset and Wiltshire, and previously worked as Director of Children’s Services for one of the Berkshire unitary authorities.

Now a practitioner psychologist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council - currently in Education - Cliff is married to Jacqui Wright, a survivor of abuse that took place within the context of a church.

He says:

"Our aim is to make churches safer places.

"Sadly some Christian leaders have misused their positions to coerce and control people, sometimes with tragic consequences. The church needs to become a place of refuge, not a place of harm.

"This one-day conference brings together Christians from across the denominations to learn how to spot the misuse of authority and how to make churches safer places for everyone. As well as preventing abuse, the aim is to support church leaders in creating a safe culture and a healing environment for victims."

The day, which takes place at All Souls Langham Place, will be of special interest to church leaders, leaders of Christian organisations, theology students, mission boards, therapists, counsellors and safeguarding leads. Tickets are selling fast.

Tickets here

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