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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Take a Journey for the Soul and help Poole Hospital

Take a Journey for the Soul and help Poole Hospital

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

Fancy the challenge of walking part of the historic Camino in Spain whilst supporting Poole Hospital?

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"Everything that lives is holy"

"Everything that lives is holy"

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

'Being with God', 'Staying with God', and 'Sharing God's Joy' were the 3 themes reflected on at a special quiet day led by our Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers.

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Please pray for the SOMA team

Please pray for the SOMA team

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

A team from SOMA UK, which will include 4 people from our Diocese is asking for your prayers ahead of a mission programme to the city of Wau, in South Sudan.

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Climate Emergency recognised by our Diocese

Climate Emergency recognised by our Diocese

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

Our Synod has voted unanimously to recognise the present Climate Emergency and encourage every part of the Diocese to strive to “safeguard the integrity of creation”.

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Our funds are helping

Our funds are helping

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

Robert Hayward, a member of our Sudans Link Committee recently visited Africa and was thanked for our giving which has helped build classrooms in Sudan and is helping with training volunteers in South Sudan.

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Vice Chancellor needed

Vice Chancellor needed

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

South Sudan’s new episcopal university is looking for a Vice Chancellor and is asking for our help to find them.

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Stuck for inspiration?

Stuck for inspiration?

by Michael Ford 21 November 2019

During a General Election those who lead our worship are in purdah. They are not allowed to be partisan, especially in their preaching, but this can be hard so Christians in Politics has provided a simple 'Sunday morning package' to give a few ideas and some quality resources.

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Bring a concern for truth, your neighbour and the environment

Bring a concern for truth, your neighbour and the environment

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

Bishop Nicholas has spoken of the need for Christians to bring to their communities a concern for truth, for our neighbour and for the environment as they engage in the General Election debate.

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A “remarkable revelation”

A “remarkable revelation”

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

Work to restore the UK’s largest complete Doom painting in a Salisbury parish church has uncovered a rare new discovery: a tricephalous carving of the Holy Trinity, held up by an angel.

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Formation Poetry

Formation Poetry

by Michael Ford 20 November 2019

Poetry and Mission are a natural fit for one member of the Bournemouth University Chaplaincy team.

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