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Formation Poetry

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2019 04:12 PM

Poetry and Mission are a natural fit for one member of the Bournemouth University Chaplaincy team.

The Revd Ruth Wells, who is also Assistant Curate in the West Moors Benefice, has just published a book of poetry called 'Formation'.

“I pretty much stumbled upon writing poetry whilst putting together my MA dissertation as an ordinand. I had began to explore using poetics and the arts as a way of reflecting theologically and ended up presenting those as my final piece centred on the theme of ‘formation’.

“In the process I went along to an open mic night and entirely fell in love with performing poetry - there is something powerful in the way words can be held and delivered. Every time I’ve performed (which has increased over the last couple of years) I have had the privilege of hearing and collecting people’s shared stories afterwards."

The open mic night also led to an opportunity to explore publishing some of her poems through Proost, an arts label which seeks to champion ‘art with soul’.

Ruth, who works part time on the Chaplaincy team for The Arts University Bournemouth/ Bournemouth University, says it has been an amazing journey:

“Seeing my poetry brought together in a collection, I am really hopeful it can offer resonance and maybe a little bit of challenge!

“Poetry has such an uncanny way of getting underneath your skin and bringing connection between head and heart - something I feel passionately good theology should do too.

“I’d really love to find some spaces and places to perform and collect some more shared stories!"

Ruth’s first poetry collection ‘Formation’ is available to buy through Proost, and if you’re interested in hosting an event featuring Ruth, .

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