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Home News Take a Journey for the Soul and help Poole Hospital

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Take a Journey for the Soul and help Poole Hospital

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2019 04:29 PM

Fancy the challenge of walking part of the historic Camino in Spain whilst supporting Poole Hospital?

Pilgrims from all over the world have walked the Camino de Santiago trails across Europe for centuries, making their way to the historical city of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia where it is believed St James is buried.

Today, more than a pilgrimage, the Camino is an unforgettable experience and unique journey.

Poole Hospital Charity is putting together a team for September 2020 to walk 125 km of this historic pilgrimage route from Baiona to Santiago.

Along the way you will experience breath-taking coastal scenery.

For further information and to register your interest, click here

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