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"Everything that lives is holy"

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2019 04:28 PM

'Being with God', 'Staying with God', and 'Sharing God's Joy' were the 3 themes reflected on at a special quiet day led by our Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers.

The Revd Jonathan Herbert, who is also a member of Dorset Hilfield Fransican Community, led the day for the students and staff of Trinity College Bristol.

The day reflected on 3 themes, 'Being with God', 'Staying with God', and 'Sharing God's Joy, using a mixture of of images, stories and guided prayer sessions.

Jonathan also led 3 more quiet days for the clergy of the Diocese of Bath and Wells at the invitation of Bishop Ruth, our former Archdeacon of Wilts.

Jonathan said:

“At Trinity it was good to see so many ordinands deeply entering into the silence of the day and making time to listen to God.

"Such days are really important as they make time for us to realise, to quote William Blake, that "everything that lives is holy.""

Gypsies and Travellers form the largest minority ethnic groups in our area. Jonathan offers training for clergy and others who may be working with Gypsies, Travellers, Showmen, and Boat People; travels around the Southwest of England visiting those communities and groups; and can help with mediation when the needs and wishes of Gypsies and Travellers give rise to tensions in local parishes.

If you would like to know more about Jonathan’s quiet days, you can ;

If you would like to know more about the Hilfield Community, go to their website.

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