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Home News Please pray for the SOMA team

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Please pray for the SOMA team

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2019 04:26 PM

A team from SOMA UK, which will include 4 people from our Diocese is asking for your prayers ahead of a mission programme to the city of Wau, in South Sudan.

Please pray for the SOMA team

Original photo courtesy SOMA

SOMA is an Anglican-focussed mission agency that sends around 12 short term Team Missions each year across the Anglican Communion, mainly to countries on the African and Indian continents.

SOMA UK has been partnering with the Salisbury-Sudans Link Education Committee for the last 13 years, and has been the means of delivering ‘Youth Leaders Workshops’ across the Dioceses of South Sudan.

The next such Workshop is for Wau in the Internal Province of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, and the team are going at the invitation of Archbishop Moses. The team is led by Ron Hart and includes 3 other members from the Diocese of Salisbury.

Wau is in the northwest region of South Sudan and is the capital of Wau State. With over 150,000 people living there it is a culturally, ethically and linguistically diverse urban centre and trading hub.

The agency works at the request of and with the inviting Province, or Diocese, and their teams mission programme is constructed specifically for the context and in response to the explicit needs and issues of the area they go into.

The Team will be visiting Wau from 27th November to 10th December. Please pray that team members will be protected during their trip and that their visit will indeed ‘empower, encourage, equip, enable and envision’ the local leaders who have invited them.

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