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Stuck for inspiration?

by Michael Ford last modified 21 Nov, 2019 05:15 PM

During a General Election those who lead our worship are in purdah. They are not allowed to be partisan, especially in their preaching, but this can be hard so Christians in Politics has provided a simple 'Sunday morning package' to give a few ideas and some quality resources.

There is a call to prayer video, which is a useful introit to a time of intercession for the nation, but also includes the challenge to be peacemakers in the context of an ever more divided society.

There is a hymn called 'We seek your Kingdom' that everyone should be able to sing, as it uses the famous tune of 'Abide with me', calling out to God for integrity and leadership in the public square.

There is a suggested talk outline on themes of reconciliation, and a powerful prayer asking for more workers in the harvest-field that is politics.

A spokesperson for Christians in Politics said:

"We receive a lot of requests, particularly from church and group leaders asking for some inspiration and help as they struggle with what they should say about issues such as Brexit and politics in general. As tensions heighten in an election period, this is even more the case.

"So we thought it might to be helpful to give a few ideas and some quality resources. We hope that this can be a useful tool in your various church settings."

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