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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Big Aims for Young People

Big Aims for Young People

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Our Children and Young People's Team is hosting an inspiring evening for your young people exploring community action and advocacy.

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More Protection for Christians Abroad

More Protection for Christians Abroad

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Persecuted Christians abroad will have their protection bolstered by the British government, following an investigation by the Bishop of Truro.

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Not Ringing for Brexit

Not Ringing for Brexit

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers has issued a statement following a campaign to have church bells rung to mark the UK leaving the EU.

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Love, Sex and Power

Love, Sex and Power

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

LGBT evangelical and campaigner Jayne Ozanne is speaking at the Bournemouth William Temple Association on Monday 3rd February.

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A spectacular start to Salisbury 2020

A spectacular start to Salisbury 2020

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Sarum Lights, a series of light and sound spectaculars created for Salisbury Cathedral by artistic collaboration Luxmuralis, will hail the start of Salisbury 2020 City on the move, a year-long celebration marking the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral’s move from Old Sarum and the development of the city itself.

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Towards a Common Vision

Towards a Common Vision

by Michael Ford 8 January 2020

A day conference ‘The Church: Towards a Common Vision and Principles of Christian Law’ takes place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday, 8th February 2020.

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Christmas, Children and Climate Change

Christmas, Children and Climate Change

by Michael Ford 8 January 2020

“Christmas is for the children” was the message from the Bishop of Salisbury’s Christmas Night sermon.

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BSL for All!

BSL for All!

by Michael Ford 8 January 2020

Our Diocesan Chaplain to the Deaf Community is offering a British Sign Language (BSL) Taster Course that is open to everyone.

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Little Donkey- A Longer Read

Little Donkey- A Longer Read

by Michael Ford 8 January 2020

Thousands of members of our communities enjoyed taking part in Carol Services laid on by our churches and schools this Advent and Christmas...

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24-7 Prayer

24-7 Prayer

by Michael Ford 8 January 2020

A Weymouth church is getting ready for 24 hours of continuous prayer.

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