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24-7 Prayer

by Michael Ford last modified 08 Jan, 2020 11:50 AM

A Weymouth church is getting ready for 24 hours of continuous prayer.

The event will take place over Friday January 10th and Saturday January 11th at St Mary’s Church in St Mary Street.

Those interested in taking part can come and go as they please. They may wish to stay for 5 minutes or 2 hours - either way, they will be welcome at the church.

There will be times of silence, music, art, painting and an opportunity to write or draw prayers.

There will also be a child-friendly area.

The Revd Jo Haine, Team Vicar at St Mary’s Church, said:

“Jesus encouraged us to pray and I believe that when we pray, we start a conversation with God, and he hears us. When we pray, we partner with God to seek his will, his perspective on our lives and those around us which then shapes our future.”

Neil Biles, Town Centre Chaplain said:

“If you think prayer is not for you, think again. Prayer is opening ourselves up to new possibilities in our daily lives, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. That’s the way God works so I would encourage people to come and try.”

“During the 24 hours of prayer there will be opportunity to pray for Weymouth and Portland, the businesses in the area, for work, for the town councils, for things that concern us, housing, schools and much more. Also, time to pray for ourselves, our future and our loved ones. This is a great way to start 2020.”

“Light refreshments will be available during the 24 hours and people on hand to assist if required. This is a great opportunity to come together and pray for the future of Weymouth and Portland, for its business and spiritual prosperity.”

The church will be open for prayers from Monday to Friday from 12pm to 12.30pm.

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