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Home News A spectacular start to Salisbury 2020

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A spectacular start to Salisbury 2020

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2020 01:43 PM

Sarum Lights, a series of light and sound spectaculars created for Salisbury Cathedral by artistic collaboration Luxmuralis, will hail the start of Salisbury 2020 City on the move, a year-long celebration marking the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral’s move from Old Sarum and the development of the city itself.

Across 5 nights (18-22 February), the majestic façade of the Salisbury Cathedral and its magnificent interior will be transformed by large-scale projections exploring the story of the Cathedral since its foundation in 1220.

The installations, accompanied by specially commissioned music, will take ticket holders on a walking journey through the Cathedral spaces, re-imagined to celebrate the life and work of the people of Salisbury, who shaped the place we know and love today.

Sarum Lights is sponsored by charity fund investment managers CCLA, NFU Mutual Wessex and Ecclesiastical Insurance.

Throughout the year, 'Salisbury 2020: City on the Move' will celebrate not only the rich heritage of the city and Cathedral, but also mark Salisbury’s recovery post-Novichok. This year is a year of change for this resilient city, with development projects and a rebranding exercise already underway.

Nicholas Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury, said:

“We are looking forward to the opening event of what we believe will be a vibrant and exciting year for the community of Salisbury. In the Cathedral Close alone there are 5 attractions, each engaging with different periods in this nation’s and region’s history, from the stone age to the present day. It is an extraordinary legacy to celebrate.”

Tickets for Sarum Lights can be booked via the Cathedral website.

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