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Home News Big Aims for Young People

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Big Aims for Young People

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2020 01:47 PM

Our Children and Young People's Team is hosting an inspiring evening for your young people exploring community action and advocacy.

'SPARKS, an evening to Inspire, Challenge and Change' is an evening for young people pursuing sparks of change in their communities.

The evening will look at the why and how of advocacy in 2020, taking ideas from first-hand stories of some who have pioneered positive change for those in the margins in our Diocese and beyond.

CYP Adviser Andy Malcolm says, "We’ve got 4 big aims for the evening.

"To meet together – it is a brilliant opportunity to connect with young people from across our diocese and share ideas and stories from Bridport to Devizes.

"To eat together – we’ll share some pizza together as we think and pray about what advocacy looks like with our young people going forward.

"To learn together – we’re delighted to have some superb speakers who are coming to share their stories of why they have stood up to be counted and what they’ve being doing about it, covering 3 areas – climate crisis, supporting refugees and helping to create a diverse and equal society.

"And to act together – we’ll inspire one another about what change is possible in the communities we occupy day to day.

"We’d love to see you and your young people here with us!"

The evening is being held on January 31st 2020, at the Diocesan Education Centre in Wilton, near Salisbury. There is a small charge per person, but don't let that stop you.

Full details and booking here

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