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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
South West Prays

South West Prays

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Churches across the South West are being asked to unite in prayer on Easter Sunday evening at 8pm to pray for our region.

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Easter Egg Trees

Easter Egg Trees

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

With the church closed, our Rural Field Officer for Dorset has devised a plan to bring the communities together while in lockdown this Easter.

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Spring Harvest comes Home

Spring Harvest comes Home

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Spring Harvest is a national teaching and worship event held every year during the Easter holidays. It’s for everybody and is an inspiring mix of holiday, festival, conference and encounter with God.

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Virus case sparks fears and prayers

Virus case sparks fears and prayers

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

South Sudan has announced its first case of coronavirus.

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A Quiet Day at Home

A Quiet Day at Home

by Michael Ford 8 April 2020

When a Benefice Quiet Day at the Langford Lakes had to be cancelled, one Wiltshire priest invited his parishioners to set up their own 'Quiet Day at Home'.

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British church leaders united in response to COVID-19 pandemic

British church leaders united in response to COVID-19 pandemic

by Michael Ford 8 April 2020

At the start of Holy Week, leaders of churches throughout the British Isles, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, have issued the following statement and call to continued prayer as we face the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Celebrating Holy Week and Easter online

Celebrating Holy Week and Easter online

by Michael Ford 8 April 2020

For centuries, Morning Prayer and Evensong have been said or sung daily at Salisbury Cathedral, as have regular Sunday services and weekday Eucharists.

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Post, Wave and Sing for Palm Sunday

Post, Wave and Sing for Palm Sunday

by Michael Ford 3 April 2020

After a Sunday of live-streaming from vicarages and homes across the Diocese, this Sunday poses a new challenge for worshipping communities - but we are ready for it!

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Extending our reach, fulfilling our vision

Extending our reach, fulfilling our vision

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Our doors may be shut, but God's work is flourishing.

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God is working his purpose out

God is working his purpose out

by Michael Ford 2 April 2020

Life for our priests and lay ministers has changed beyond recognition. But while on the surface it might appear that our clergy are now isolated from their parishioners, the opposite is true.

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