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Home News Virus case sparks fears and prayers

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Virus case sparks fears and prayers

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2020 05:51 AM

South Sudan has announced its first case of coronavirus.

Virus case sparks fears and prayers

South Sudan's Vice President Riek Machar addresses a news conference in Juba. Original photo Reuters

An official notice from the Republic of South Sudan said that the case was confirmed on Saturday April 5th.

Concerns are growing as the country has inadequate health facilities. There is also the issue that effective testing and screening, self-isolation and social distancing will be very difficult, especially in the IDP camps and other places where people are living so closely together.

Anne Powell, Sudan Bulletin Editor said:

"As we are in such a fast-changing situation with the coronavirus here and in other parts of the world, it seemed best to just give a short update from the Committee to those who can receive it by email.

"With a recent message received from Ian Woodward, and also according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) website dated Tue 7 April, the first case of COVID-19 has been reported in South Sudan, with twelve cases reported in Sudan and two deaths. The health systems in both countries, particularly South Sudan, are ill-equipped to contain and deal with the spread of COVID-19.

"All neighbouring countries are also affected, many of whom host refugees. A message from Archbishop Bernard from Torit makes it clear that the closing of South Sudan's borders to keep out the virus is also keeping out food from Uganda, so the cost of food has greatly increased, making life for South Sudanese even more difficult than it already was. Bishop Moses of Maridi also reports that the price of local commodities is alarming. Schools in both countries have been closed for some time.

"Archbishop Justin Badi, South Sudan, has put Reverend Canon Dr Joseph Bilal in charge of ECSS's response to COVID-19. Joseph (whilst not a medical doctor) is regarded as someone who can be called upon to undertake important work or deal with a crisis. The medical doctor directing the ECSS Provincial Health Department has been on leave of absence for some time.

"Colleagues and contacts in Sudan and South Sudan have been asking how we are in the UK. We thank them for their concern for us, and we continue to pray for the Sudanese and South Sudanese, and to make contact where we can."

"Please hold the people of our partner churches in your prayers as they face this latest crisis.

"In many cases they lack access to the resources and the support and health systems that we benefit from, and many have already suffered much.

"Bishop Moses quotes Psalm 46:1-3, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging”."

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