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Home News Extending our reach, fulfilling our vision

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Extending our reach, fulfilling our vision

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2020 08:29 PM

Our doors may be shut, but God's work is flourishing.

Across the Diocese, churches are finding innovative ways of keeping our congregations together and supporting our communities, and with it fulfilling our vision of Renewing Hope in this Diocese.

Our churches and their ministry teams, big and small, are reaching out and gathering their communities in increasing numbers.

Some have been able to embrace live-streaming, most are using social media, but all are mobilising outreach.

From phone and video calls to the isolated, elderly and lonely, to volunteering for foodbanks and community food collection and delivery services.

And of course, we are all praying - praying together virtually, and as individuals.

There is a selection of just some of what is going on this week across the Diocese, here.

If you want to know what is going on where you are, go to your church website, Facebook, or AChurchNearYou.

And if you would like to add what you are doing to our list, fill in this simple form.

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