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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Family Joy

Family Joy

by Michael Ford 18 December 2020

Many of us are isolated or live alone, and some of us are still overseas. Loneliness can be a real issue, not least at Christmas.

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Delivering Light and Joy

Delivering Light and Joy

by Michael Ford 18 December 2020

One of the beauties of this Diocese is how parishes and schools can work together to bring the Christian message in an engaging way.

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Changing the system

Changing the system

by Michael Ford 18 December 2020

This year has been a watershed in many ways, and not least for the work of the Children's Society as staff and volunteers seek to help children in need and transform their lives for good, long term.

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A big step and a striking difference

A big step and a striking difference

by Michael Ford 18 December 2020

Our recent article on electric vehicles (EVs) continues to stir interest and attract comment.

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"Enormous potential" for energy in churches

"Enormous potential" for energy in churches

by Michael Ford 18 December 2020

Bishop Nicholas has been in the House of Lords this week and has been concentrating minds on environmental issues.

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Vocations Enquiry Morning

Vocations Enquiry Morning

by Michael Ford 3 September 2021

Our next diocesan Vocations event is on Saturday 23rd January, via Zoom.

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'Our first-ever whole-school Nativity'

'Our first-ever whole-school Nativity'

by Michael Ford 11 December 2020

This Diocese is increasingly recognised for its excellence in schools, preparing upcoming generations to face the future with hope, faith, character and key skills.

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Soap Builds Hope

Soap Builds Hope

by Michael Ford 11 December 2020

Bishop Andrew is suggesting you put soap at the top of this year's Christmas list, to save lives.

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Trying a Christmas Nativity Trail

Trying a Christmas Nativity Trail

by Michael Ford 11 December 2020

In this festive season, current restrictions are no barrier to ingenuity and community spirit. Many churches are working together across denominations to make the most of their collective resources and share the 'reason for the season'.

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Have a Safe Christmas

Have a Safe Christmas

by Michael Ford 11 December 2020

Wiltshire and Dorset Police have issued their top tips for the Advent and Christmas season.

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