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Family Joy

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2020 08:59 PM

Many of us are isolated or live alone, and some of us are still overseas. Loneliness can be a real issue, not least at Christmas.

Family Joy

Photo courtesy Pixabay

Geoff Murray from St Mary’s, Weymouth, says:

"For over four decades I lived in Asian countries where 25th December was just another working day. Shopping arcades played 'White Christmas' and 'Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer', but were no substitute for carols and midnight communion.

"My lonely life was transformed in 2014, when I received a spontaneous email revealing I had 3 granddaughters in London.

"So, I returned to the UK in 2018, finding a most welcoming church family in Weymouth, and finally able to immerse myself in in worship and prayer again – oh joy!

"Opportunities to see my granddaughters were few. However, in emails and phone calls, I began to talk of my wonderful church life – reading lessons, leading the prayers and writing articles for the Grapevine.

"I hoped they’d come to Weymouth to join me in church, and it was all organised when Covid-19 first struck. However, 2 of the girls continued to show interest, so I told them about our Zoom church services, and they promised to join.

"A perfect way to celebrate Advent, bringing 2 special people to Jesus and inspiring me, in the Advent spirit of anticipation, to help more young people know God."

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