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Home News 'Our first-ever whole-school Nativity'

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'Our first-ever whole-school Nativity'

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Dec, 2020 09:49 PM

This Diocese is increasingly recognised for its excellence in schools, preparing upcoming generations to face the future with hope, faith, character and key skills.

'Our first-ever whole-school Nativity'

Children work on their star costumes

Many schools are discovering that new days hold new possibilities, and this is certainly true at St Andrew’s Primary School in Weymouth.

They have sent this report:

"Normally at this time of year, the staff would be bartering for time in the school hall to rehearse their class’s Christmas performance.

"Our parents understood that things are different this year, but they were disappointed that they might miss out on seeing their little stars and angels – especially the parents of our new Reception children.

"Luckily, we’ve found a way to not only share the Christmas story but bring the whole school together in a way which hasn’t been possible since March. We’re going to do something which just hasn’t been possible before!

"We’re creating a whole-school Nativity play!

"Even before Covid-19, we’d never have fitted all of our parents in our hall at once. With a virtual play, the world is our oyster! We can not only invite parents but also siblings, grandparents and other family and friends wherever they are in the world!

"Our children, from pre-school through to Year 6, are going to work in their class bubbles to perform the story of the Nativity right from Gabriel’s visit to Mary to the arrival of the wise men! We’ll film it and edit it all together and, on our official launch on Thursday 10th December at 7pm, we can all watch it together even though we’re apart. If you'd like to join us, you can watch on our Facebook page @standrewswey."

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