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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Calling Young Explorers!

Calling Young Explorers!

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

Are you aged 18-30 with a feeling God is calling you? Or is there a young adult in your congregation who would like to explore their calling?

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Bishop addresses Lords one last time

Bishop addresses Lords one last time

by Michael Ford 14 June 2021

Bishop Nicholas has had a busy week, making his last speech in the House of Lords, recording a sermon for the BBC Local Radio's national Sunday Service and speaking at a live streamed event at Truro Cathedral in advance of the G7.

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Values in action

Values in action

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

Pupils at St Osmund's Middle School in Dorchester have been putting their school values into action, and have found unexpected inspiration from a Disney cartoon.

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Taking Christian Climate Action: what, me?

Taking Christian Climate Action: what, me?

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

Increasingly, the Diocesan Environment Group recognises that each of us needs to speak out and be heard about caring for Creation. Such speaking out is not a ‘normal activity’ for most of us, so a workshop will explore this subject on Thursday 24th June at 7.30pm on Zoom.

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COP26 to tackle climate threat

COP26 to tackle climate threat

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

This November, the UK will host the UN climate change conference COP26 in Glasgow. World leaders will meet with the aim to agree how to tackle the urgent threat of global climate change.

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Vacancy in the See of Salisbury

Vacancy in the See of Salisbury

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

Diocesan Secretary David Pain writes with the latest news from the selection committee for the next Bishop of Salisbury.

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Praying for Peace

Praying for Peace

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

In the Sudanese Diocese of Kadugli, a new school is thriving, and so is Christian outreach - but peace and stability are ongoing concerns across the country.

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Masked gang takes MU to the cleaners!

Masked gang takes MU to the cleaners!

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

Our Mothers' Union, like many premises, is 'open for business' again, and there have been challenges ahead of serving local families and communities.

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Joint Registrar appointed

Joint Registrar appointed

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

Following consultation at Bishop’s Council, the Revd Gavin Foster has now been formally appointed Joint Registrar with Sue de Candole with effect from 24th May 2021.

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General Synod Casual Vacancy: Election Result

General Synod Casual Vacancy: Election Result

by Michael Ford 11 June 2021

The Revd Paul Bradbury has been elected to fill a casual vacancy on the General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England.

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