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Home News Taking Christian Climate Action: what, me?

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Taking Christian Climate Action: what, me?

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2021 10:54 PM

Increasingly, the Diocesan Environment Group recognises that each of us needs to speak out and be heard about caring for Creation. Such speaking out is not a ‘normal activity’ for most of us, so a workshop will explore this subject on Thursday 24th June at 7.30pm on Zoom.

The ‘Climate Activism: Out of my comfort zone?’ workshop features two of our clergy, Revds Jonathan Herbert and Hilary Bond, who have been taking action.

David Morgan, Chair of the Diocesan Environment Group, says:

“This will in no way commit you to taking action, but will explore why we are concerned, looking at the example of Jesus and experiences of others. It will conclude with looking at what we might actually do.

“Come and be challenged, along with me!”

Draft content includes:

  • What would Jesus say and do?
  • What are our concerns about taking public action? (in groups)
  • Real-life examples of activism
  • What might we actually do? (Including peace-making)

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