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Praying for Peace

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2021 10:53 PM

In the Sudanese Diocese of Kadugli, a new school is thriving, and so is Christian outreach - but peace and stability are ongoing concerns across the country.

John Joy, Bradford Deanery Lay Chairman, writes:

Peace Primary School is approaching the end of term, and the new term starts in September. The school has made an encouraging start and has already established a good reputation in the area.

As we reported in the May newsletter, several of the children are orphans, and we support their fees. The school expected to have 25 orphans, but in fact there are 30, from the nursery class upwards.

We have sent money for the building of a kindergarten, but it seems to have got bogged down in banking channels. This is being chased up, and we understand the money is quite safe, but the delay will affect the progress of the work, so please make it a matter for prayer.

Praying for Peace- inside the church in Dilling, Sudan
Inside the church in Dilling, Sudan

Our other major interest at the moment is the Rooted in Jesus course. There has been a good deal of progress, shown by the fact that they need more course books at basic and more advanced levels, and the church is looking to improve the facilities for training.
A spin-off from the course is the encouragement it has given to outreach, especially to areas which had previously been difficult to reach with the gospel.

Pastor Hassan Sudan has been particularly active in outreach in the Salara district, where a new church has been established, and encouraging the few Christians in some of the villages. In some areas nearer Kadugli town, however, activity has been restricted or even halted because of security and safety concerns.

This serves as a reminder that peace and stability are concerns not only for Kadugli Diocese but for the whole of Sudan. Talks are continuing in Juba in South Sudan, and Bishop Hassan has asked that we pray for their success.

In the whole of Sudan, it is important not only that peace should be agreed, but that it will penetrate to every part of society.

STOP PRESS: The governor of South Kordofan (the province in which Kadugli Diocese lies) has asked Bishop Hassan to be one of five representatives from South Kordofan in the negotiations. Bishop Hassan flew to Juba on 31st May and asks for our prayers.

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