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Values in action

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2021 10:54 PM

Pupils at St Osmund's Middle School in Dorchester have been putting their school values into action, and have found unexpected inspiration from a Disney cartoon.

School Chaplain Lydia Topp says:

"Over the last few weeks, our pupils have been considering and exploring what our new values mean to them and how they see them in action.

"Our Bible verse is 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 11, 'So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind.'

"We watched a clip from Lilo and Stitch where they talk about the Hawaiian word 'Ohana' which means 'Family', meaning nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

"This links to our strapline 'no one left out, no one left behind.'

"Pupils then considered our four values of Hope, Community, Respect and Love. These were some of their responses:

Hope: "Our Tutor says we're the best, so know we can be and we want to be." (Year 6 pupil)

Community: "We have people we can trust, and build each other up, and work together." (Year 6 pupil)

Respect: "Everyone encourages us to be the best we can." (Year 7 pupil)

Love: " We are Family, we look out for each other and we are a loving school." (Year 7 pupil)

"The pupils have really grasped these values and taken them into action. One class has created a class affirmation box and each pupil in the class has pledged to write three kind messages about another classmate.

Values in action- affirmation box
An affirmation box

"In another class, they decided to show their gratitude by writing notes of thanks to staff and delivering them into the staffroom.

"Values in action!"

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