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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Crossing their lapels with silver

Crossing their lapels with silver

by Michael Ford 1 October 2021

Three St Aldhelm Crosses will be awarded during Evensong in our Cathedral on Sunday 31st October at 4.30pm.

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A Messy start

A Messy start

by Michael Ford 1 October 2021

Our Rural Field Officers (RFOs) work with parishes across the Diocese to explore effective types of outreach - and sometimes it's a matter of trial and error.

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Lego Church Launched!

Lego Church Launched!

by Michael Ford 1 October 2021

'Fresh Expressions of Church' are now an established thing - but there's always room for innovation, and some of our parishes are thinking outside the usual models.

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"Over the Moon" about Psalm 23

"Over the Moon" about Psalm 23

by Michael Ford 1 October 2021

The Bible Society’s Psalm 23 Garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show has scooped a gold medal in the Sanctuary Garden section at the first-ever September Show.

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I would bike 700 miles, and I would walk 300 more

I would bike 700 miles, and I would walk 300 more

by Michael Ford 1 October 2021

Pilgrimage is very much about a journey in faith, travelling as well as towards any destination. Mothers’ Union members know about faith in action, but two have taken it a step further.

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Candles on the Hill

Candles on the Hill

by ajack 1 December 2021

It’s so important for us to have a presence in our wider community and be involved in community events. Can you set yourself a goal this week to reach out to a group in the wider community that you have no connection to?

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Being social at the Village Pump

Being social at the Village Pump

by Michael Ford 15 October 2021

The informal 'Village Pump' monthly meeting continues to go from strength to strength, as those involved in rural life at grass roots gather for discussion and encouragement.

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Licensed to Minister

Licensed to Minister

by Michael Ford 24 September 2021

Collaborative Leadership is part of our Diocesan vision and encouraging a range of ministry is a key priority, so welcoming new Licensed Lay Minsters is always a celebration. And this year we had even more to celebrate.

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High Time for 'Peace and Accountability' in South Sudan

High Time for 'Peace and Accountability' in South Sudan

by Michael Ford 14 July 2022

An Ecumenical Call by the Ecumenical Network on South Sudan (ENSS) Europe and North America Hub on International Peace Day, Tuesday 21st September 2021.

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Giving and Thanksgiving

Giving and Thanksgiving

by Michael Ford 25 September 2021

Our Diocesan Generous Giving campaign is at the halfway point and, after focusing on Prayer and God’s Generosity, Week Three - starting on Sunday 26th September - sees us focus on Thanksgiving as we give thanks for all we have received ourselves and for all the generosity that has come before which has made our churches what they are today.

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