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Giving and Thanksgiving

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2021 12:04 AM

Our Diocesan Generous Giving campaign is at the halfway point and, after focusing on Prayer and God’s Generosity, Week Three - starting on Sunday 26th September - sees us focus on Thanksgiving as we give thanks for all we have received ourselves and for all the generosity that has come before which has made our churches what they are today.

The suggested Bible readings for this week are:
2 Chronicles chapter 31, verses 5-6
Luke chapter 19, verses 1-10

You might also like to use these intercessionary prayers:

In humility of heart let us pray to God the Father of all.

Lord, in Jesus we see how you lovingly call all sorts of people and then change them from within; take our hearts and minds, live in us today and every day.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, in Zacchaeus we see how your call produced a new attitude to wealth and possessions; pour your love within us that we may experience a real closeness to you.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, in Zacchaeus we see how Jesus produced a newness of life; work in the hearts of all in authority in our world that they may work for a more equal sharing of resources with those who are poor, hungry and destitute.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, you teach us to bring your healing to the sick and suffering; may your healing be upon those whom we name before you now...
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, your Word teaches us to love your Church, the Body of Christ; make us generous in support of its mission and ministry.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our final week starts on on Sunday 3rd October, when we will look at what Our Response should be.

As the campaign draws to an end, we think and consider how we are going to respond in our own lives, through our own giving. We will be invited to complete a pledge form with how we have decided to respond.

The campaign is supported by a range of adaptable resources, everything from video sermons from our Bishops to a special leaflet available in your churches that is packed with a host of practical ideas to help to engage you at a personal level.

View them here.

Together as a Diocese, we are committed to supporting each other in our churches as we bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the communities we serve. Resourcing stewardship and giving was endorsed by the October 2020 Diocesan Synod as part of our response to the budget.

So this autumn we are resourcing a Diocesan-wide Generous Giving Campaign with an open invitation to our parishes to take part if they are able.

The resources are flexible and the campaign remains open for parishes to join at any time over the next six months.

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