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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
O Camel Ye Faithful

O Camel Ye Faithful

by ajack 15 December 2021

What’s the most exciting animal you have ever welcomed into your church? We bet the answer isn’t one, two, or even three camels!

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Praise for Going Green

Praise for Going Green

by ajack 15 December 2021

St Mary of the Annunciation, Beaminster, wins building of the month for their vision to care for creation.

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Farewell to Colin Brady

Farewell to Colin Brady

by ajack 15 December 2021

Following a period of review and considering the desire for a deepening collaboration between the work of the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) and the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) and emerging opportunities for new ways of working, the decision was taken to disestablish the role of Social Justice Programme Manager, resulting in the redundancy of Colin Brady.

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Theatre with a Message of God

Theatre with a Message of God

by ajack 15 December 2021

Three million people are willing to accept an invitation to church. They are just waiting to be asked...

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Bags of Hope

Bags of Hope

by ajack 15 December 2021

Over 150 Bags of Hope were delivered by a parish team across their community

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Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education appoint 2 New Community Hub Development Advisors

by ajack 15 December 2021

The Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education is delighted to announce the appointment of 2 new Community Hub Development Advisors. We welcome Hannah Tarring & Lorna Johnson to the team. Each advisor brings a variety of skills and experience to the posts.

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Go for Eco!

Go for Eco!

by ajack 15 December 2021

136 of you are registered as an Eco Church! 51 parishes have awards and soon All Saints, Winterslow will be added to the list!

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Celebrating 60 Years in Song

Celebrating 60 Years in Song

by ajack 15 December 2021

Six decades of service to a church choir has been an eventful career...

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A Splash of Advent across the Diocese

A Splash of Advent across the Diocese

by ajack 15 December 2021

WOW - we’ve been overwhelmed by all the amazing work going on in the Diocese this advent. You’ve all been creative, innovative - and all-around, incredible! Here’s some more good news about what you’ve all been up to.

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Strictly Star Surprises

by ajack 8 December 2021

A plunge into ancestry and a step into stardom for Revd Canon Kelvin Inglis, Rector of St Thomas and St Edmund Salisbury, as he received an unexpected call from BBC1's Who Do You Think You Are?

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