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Home News Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education appoint 2 New Community Hub Development Advisors

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Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education appoint 2 New Community Hub Development Advisors

by ajack last modified 15 Dec, 2021 05:35 PM

The Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education is delighted to announce the appointment of 2 new Community Hub Development Advisors. We welcome Hannah Tarring & Lorna Johnson to the team. Each advisor brings a variety of skills and experience to the posts.

Hannah comes from being the Children’s and Families worker in Melksham. Bringing experience and skills of working with Children and their families, building community, meeting need and helping families explore faith. She has many connections across Wiltshire and in the Messy Church Network.

Lorna is moving from a post as a family worker with Dorset Youth Association and is a curate in the Bridport Team. She is experienced at working with Young people, helping them find their voice, access services and build community.  

The Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education is grateful to the Allchurches Trust and the Community of St Denys Trust for their support that is funding this work. 

The two new advisors will be working alongside experienced Senior Children & Young People’s Advisor, Lizzie Whitbread. She said:

These appointments are a hugely exciting development for our work. It will significantly increase the capacity and expertise we are able to offer communities to engage with children and young people. These posts will enable young people in more places to be part of creating innovative change for themselves and their communities.” 

Deputy Director, Mandy Christopher, added:

Community hub working is one of the most significant pieces of creative and innovative work that we have embarked on, with huge potential to change lives. These posts will enable community hub work to grow into its full potential, enabling creative and innovative work which changes children and young people’s lives at a local level. These posts will enable young people in more places to be part of creating innovative change for themselves and their communities. These posts will be catalysts for change in the work of schools and church communities in their engagement with children and young people and together making a difference in their communities.” 

Director of Mission and Ministry and Deputy Diocesan Secretary, Jonathan Triffitt, stated:

“The development of our network of community hubs goes to the heart of our missional response in serving and responding to the needs of our local communities. Community hubs enable the voices of children and young people to shape a vision for the future of their communities; working with schools, churches and households, this grant will enable us to increase our resources and to better support and enable children, young people and adults to work together in building the kingdom of God in their local context. 

Acting Bishop of Salisbury, The Rt Revd Karen Gorham, welcomes the award:

“Community hubs, bringing together school, church and community in a response to social need, particularly of young people, is very much part of our diocesan vision to encourage partnership and the renewal of hope. I am delighted that following this grant we shall be able to develop that important work even more, making more of a difference where community hubs have been established and the possibility of creating even more.” 

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