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Home News Farewell to Colin Brady

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Farewell to Colin Brady

by ajack last modified 15 Dec, 2021 05:34 PM

Following a period of review and considering the desire for a deepening collaboration between the work of the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) and the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) and emerging opportunities for new ways of working, the decision was taken to disestablish the role of Social Justice Programme Manager, resulting in the redundancy of Colin Brady.

Paying tribute to Colin’s work, the Acting Bishop of Salisbury says:

"Colin has served the Diocese for a significant period of time. His commitment to social justice, his ability to network and his own faith have enabled him and the Diocese to make a substantial impact on community life in Dorset and Wiltshire, particularly in serving the marginalised, those most in need, local groups and charities.

Our mission has been broadened due to local churches receiving support and being encouraged to get involved in community projects, enabled by Colin's ability to form good partnerships.

He has brought important issues to the attention of Diocesan Synod and has represented the Diocese on local grant-making trusts and within the work of two successful Community Foundations. Colin will be a much-missed colleague. We give thanks for his valuable contribution to our life together over the years and wish him well for the future."

The Chair of the Social Justice Working Group, the Archdeacon of Sherborne says:

"One of the things that attracted me to the Diocese of Salisbury was its commitment to issues of social justice. Colin was an enabler of that commitment, through his networking ability and his passion for issues such as refugee settlement, foodbanks, and environmental issues.

He has spoken with a prophetic voice, challenging individuals, and communities throughout the Diocese to make this part of our nation a place where all, however rich or poor can flourish.

As we say farewell to Colin, we thank him for all that he has done, and we commit to ensuring that issues of social justice continue to have a high profile in the Diocese; we will continue to work for the flourishing of all."

If you would like to donate towards a gift for Colin, please transfer your contribution to the account details below with the reference “Colin’s leaving Gift”:


Account Number : 00007237

Sort code: 309741

Ref: Colin’s leaving Gift

For all enquiries relating to the diocesan work around Social Justice, please contact the Revd Canon Jonathan Triffitt, Director of Mission & Ministry and Deputy Diocesan Secretary ( 

Colin’s final day at the DBF was Friday 10th December.


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