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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Be our "eyes and ears" for lead thefts, say police

Be our "eyes and ears" for lead thefts, say police

by Michael Ford 2 October 2019

The public are being asked to be the "eyes and ears of the police" and be on the look out for suspicious activity that might mean lead thieves are in their area.

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Dorchester says Goodbye to their "royal" Rector

Dorchester says Goodbye to their "royal" Rector

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

It was definitely a fond farewell when the Revd Canon Thomas Woodhouse officiated at his last service in Dorchester.

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Bishop rededicates Marlborough Chapel

Bishop rededicates Marlborough Chapel

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

As part of a special international conference at Marlborough College, the College Chapel has been rededicated.

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Just 50 miles more!

Just 50 miles more!

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

The Chair of our Diocesan Safeguarding Committee has completed his gruelling bike ride that included over 26 hairpin bends and 286 miles and a climb of 19,908 feet and all in aid of the Julia's House charity.

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Ride and Stride and Results

Ride and Stride and Results

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

The results of this year's Ride and Stride are starting to come in and across both Wiltshire and Dorset people took to their feet, horses, bikes and even mobility scooters to raise money for their churches and their county's Historic Churches Trust.

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Saying 'I do' to Wedding Fayres

Saying 'I do' to Wedding Fayres

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

A Wiltshire church set up a stall at a local Wedding Fayre. The mission opportunity has been funded by their local deanery and it has proved so successful they are going back for more.

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Wanted: parents and teenagers to talk about family life

Wanted: parents and teenagers to talk about family life

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

The Children’s Society are in the early stages of setting up a new research project on family life with teenagers and want to interview parents who have a teenager in their family.

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MU is a "dynamic force" in today's world

MU is a "dynamic force" in today's world

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

Members of our own Mothers Union headed over to Portsmouth last week for their General Meeting to be told that the MU was making a difference all over the world, helping communities recover from national disasters and making prison visiting easier for for families.

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Direct Debit replaces offertory plate in the C21st

Direct Debit replaces offertory plate in the C21st

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

The traditional offertory plate may soon become obsolete as more congregations in our Diocese embrace the use of direct debit giving as part of the ‘Giving For Life’ stewardship programme that has seen an increase in the generosity of givers.

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Halloween Treat will give the gift of sight

Halloween Treat will give the gift of sight

by Michael Ford 25 September 2019

The 2019 Meaningful Treat Pack is a life changing resource which will give up to 25 people the gift of sight while helping with mission work on, and leading up to, the eve of All Saints (Halloween).

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