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Home News MU is a "dynamic force" in today's world

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MU is a "dynamic force" in today's world

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 10:23 AM

Members of our own Mothers Union headed over to Portsmouth last week for their General Meeting to be told that the MU was making a difference all over the world, helping communities recover from national disasters and making prison visiting easier for for families.

MU is a "dynamic force" in today's world

Original photo courtesy Diocese of Portsmouth

They joined over 1,000 members at the event that heard from the MU's World Wide President, Mrs Sheran Harper.

Sheran told her membership that the MU was still "very much alive and vibrant - a dynamic force that is relevant to changing environments in today’s world!"

Read the text here

She told them how the response to the aftermath of the bombings in Sri Lanka had seen members visit, listen and pray with the families.

"They identified some orphans and have now put a plan in place to give monthly financial assistance towards their education."

She added that the Mothers’ Union has been working closely with communities to build resilience and help recovery from natural disasters, following the flooding and devastation created by cyclones each year.

But she said the MU also worked much closer to home and talked of their work in Parc Prison in Llandaff Diocese:

"Usually the family visits last for two hours but children would find it very difficult to sit for two hours. This is where I met the incredible Mothers’ Union angel Jodie, Jodie has been working in the Prison Family Care Centre for 11 years, ministering to families and getting large donations to purchase toys for the children’s play area.

"The toys have to be replaced frequently as there are about 2,000 visitors per month.

"Jodie volunteers and gives of her time to keep the children entertained while the parents have a chance to chat. She said with tears in her eyes there are so many delicate periods during the two hour visit with the final five minutes being the most important.

"This is when Jodie has to stop the play and gently get the children to go and say good bye to their Dads. I have only been into cold dark prisons with MU overseas Llandaff Diocese and Jodie have made this prison a home away from home.

"May God bless the work of the Mothers’ Union Prison Ministry everywhere!"

Read the whole of Sheran's keynote address

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