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Home News Saying 'I do' to Wedding Fayres

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Saying 'I do' to Wedding Fayres

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 10:42 AM

A Wiltshire church set up a stall at a local Wedding Fayre. The mission opportunity has been funded by their local deanery and it has proved so successful they are going back for more.

Saying 'I do' to Wedding Fayres

Debbie, Geoff, Ann and Dawn at the Fayre

They are also offering to share advice and resources with other churches and deaneries who want to say "I do" to a Wedding Fayre.

And it all started with a question at the January meeting of St. Leonard’s PCC in Keevil - Why isn't the Church represented at various Wedding Fayres throughout the county?’

Geoff West, from St. Leonard’s PCC in Keevil takes up the story for us:

"There was silence for a while, before Debbie Meatyard, another PCC member, who offered to take things forward and investigate, grasped the nettle. Before long she had dates of a Wedding Fayre in the Civic Hall (Trowbridge) in September 2019, and set about finding out costs and what the venture would entail."

The pair put together a presentation at the Bradford Deanery Synod meeting earlier this year, and found their proposals accepted and backed by everyone, including funding.

"So it was that Debbie and I then set about putting together all our ideas and those gleaned from others, regarding how best to present and promote the Church for a couple’s special day. We had lots of help along the way from both friends and members of the Church, and ventured forth on Sunday 15 September to the Civic Hall, to do our best," Geoff said.

"We dressed our table with flowers, a cross and Bible along with sample orders of services, flyers with all the details required to visit the Church of England website, information on readings and costs, and a nice sample wedding cake, that we cut and offered to those we met. On the day we were supported by two clergy: Revd Ann Fielden and Revd Liz Gifford.

"Although we were somewhat apprehensive, strong support from Dawn Farmer (St. James’ Church, Trowbridge) and the clergy, propelled us into the day with enthusiasm and determination. Pleasingly, the day was very successful and we felt that we had made an impact, so much so, that we determined to do it all again. We felt that we had learned a lot from the day, and with some better presentation posters to draw people’s attention, we would achieve better things on the next occasion – January 2020."

The church now intend to make presentation posters to cover the Salisbury Diocese so that if other parishes wish to do a similar event in their area, the display items can be used by everyone.

Debbie and Geoff are also happy to speak to anyone wanting to have a go.

Geoff said overall it has been a great start as a mission initiative:

"The general feeling at the Wedding Fayre we attended was that it was great to see the Church represented there... at last!"

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