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Just 50 miles more!

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 10:49 AM

The Chair of our Diocesan Safeguarding Committee has completed his gruelling bike ride that included over 26 hairpin bends and 286 miles and a climb of 19,908 feet and all in aid of the Julia's House charity.

In doing so he did 50 miles more than he was meant to!

Steve Long, who has done some voluntary work for the Dorset and Wiltshire Children's Hospice charity, provides frequent respite care for children and support for their families at home, in the community and at a hospice.

Visit Steve's JustGiving page

In 2018 staff at Julia's house provided nearly 30,000 hours of support including care therapy, end of life care, and bereavement support to 38 families across Wiltshire and Dorset. At present some 166 families are registered to receive support.

Of those 38 bereaved families, sadly 8 children passed away - 3 in Dorset, 5 in Wiltshire.

Steve says:

"I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported me in raising funds for Julia's House by cycling up the mountains of Tramuntana in Mallorca.

"At the and of the official ride I cycled a further 50 miles which was meant to be a gentle recovery ride but the wind decided that was not to be! In total I cycled 286 miles and climbed 19,908 feet (to be exact!). This included the longest and most challenging cycle climb I have ever (and am ever likely to) tackled which was up the Sa Colobra negotiating 26 hair bends over 14 kilometres and which I did in just under an hour.

"So far I have raised over £1,079 plus £187 gift aid which I am delighted about."

Steve paid for all the expenses associated with the trip, and aimed to raise at least £1,000 for Julia's House. He adds:

"On our ride was a member of staff from Julia's House who told us about a little girl Jess, and her family who were recently supported by staff at Julia's House. Jess was 9 years old and her family were told she only had 2 or 3 days to live.

"They were advised to contact Julia's House although they had had no previous contact. Jess lived for another 2 weeks during which time staff at Julia's House did everything they could to help including arranging a personal gift experience from one of their patrons, Guy Ritchie. Jess's parents were incredibly grateful to the staff at Julia's House who did everything they could to give the family some happy memories at this desperate time. "

"Thank you to everyone who sponsored me and for your supportive emails. But if you haven't sponsored me yet there is still time!"

If you want to sponsor Steve, you still can.

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