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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
A News Year Resolution

A News Year Resolution

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Have you made and broken any New Year's Resolutions yet? Well, how about making a News Year Resolution?

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Community Hubs bring outreach and a listening voice

Community Hubs bring outreach and a listening voice

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Diocesan advisers have launched 3 Community Hubs as part of an outreach programme they hope to expand across the Diocese.

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A Challenging Walk

A Challenging Walk

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Fancy the challenge of walking part of the historic Camino in Spain whilst supporting Poole Hospital?

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Inclusive Cathedral Evensong service praised

Inclusive Cathedral Evensong service praised

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Praise has been given for an innovative Evensong service at our Cathedral.

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by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

The Blackmore Vale has welcomed 6 new commissioned lay leaders.

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Cosmic work

Cosmic work

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

A Dorset church has launched a youth group that builds on the success of their Sunday School.

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Easier through the eye of a needle?

Easier through the eye of a needle?

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

It might be easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven - but how about through a church porch?

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Follow the Star for "a real community event"

Follow the Star for "a real community event"

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

The Church of England's "#FollowTheStar" campaign has proved extremely popular in our Diocese.

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Is it a record?

Is it a record?

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

Sunday the 5th of January gave parishes a choice of celebrations as it was both Epiphany and Plough Sunday. While some chose to celebrate one or other at special services, some parishes decided simply to combine the two.

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New Chaplain at Milton Abbey

New Chaplain at Milton Abbey

by Michael Ford 15 January 2020

The Reverend Stephen Graham has been licensed as the new Chaplain of Milton Abbey School at an intimate service in the chancel of the Abbey Church.

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