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Home News Easier through the eye of a needle?

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Easier through the eye of a needle?

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2020 01:56 PM

It might be easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven - but how about through a church porch?

Well, the congregation at St Lawrence, Stratford sub Castle, along with passers-by now know the answer, as camels were guests of honour at the annual Nativity in the Wiltshire Church.

3 camels were loaned to the church for the nativity, by their owner Lady Chichester.

Heather Platt, Coordinating Editor of the St Lawrence Parish Magazine explains:

"The church was packed with children, parents, grandparents and associated families and friends with the promise of a nativity play culminating the service.

"Outside passers-by stopped in amazement as they wondered if they had missed their way and had arrived in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago when confronted with three ponies, two young camels and ‘daddy’ camel wandering around the churchyard.

Easier through the eye of a needle- camel inside church

"Graciously, Lady Chichester had agreed to their participation in bringing to life the arrival of the three wise men by camel to the manger.

"Cameras were clicking, children’s faces stared in awe and the ponies and camels performed as true professionals with dignity and no accidents!

"On returning to the churchyard they posed for pictures together with much patting and socialising with the congregation."

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