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by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2020 01:59 PM

The Blackmore Vale has welcomed 6 new commissioned lay leaders.

Sarah Bollen from the Spire Hill Benefice; Ivan Coade, Jenny Knotwell-Sissions, Lucy Foot, Helen Sinclair, all from the Hazelbury and the Hillsides Benefice; and Kevin Peto-Bostick from Hinton St Mary were all commssioned as Licensed Worship Leaders (LWLs) by Bishop Karen.

Welcoming the new LWLs, the Revd Lydia Cook, Rural Dean and Rector of the Okeford Benefice, said this was a real “home team” effort:

"As the 18 Pilgrim Parishes of the Blackmore Vale, we work hard to support each other in ministry and offer training for commissioned ministry locally. After a taster session, 8 candidates and 1 person on a “refresher” met up for 2 intensive Saturday training sessions.

"These were great occasions of fun, prayer, learning and fellowship, where the group - despite a wide variety of theology, expectations and experience - gelled together and flourished together.

"We finished the course with a shared meal and a “next steps” session. In the end, 6 candidates went forward for commissioning, and it was a very happy and relaxed service."

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