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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Watch the Wintershall Passion at home

Watch the Wintershall Passion at home

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

For the first time since 2010, the Wintershall Passion of Jesus play won't be performed in Trafalgar Square this year.

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Easter Gardens, Lockdown-style

Easter Gardens, Lockdown-style

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

All over the Diocese Easter Gardens are being set up in churchyards, community spaces and in gardens.

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Our joy at the Resurrection is not to be silenced

Our joy at the Resurrection is not to be silenced

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

We have become ‘a different sort of church’ in ways we couldn’t have imagined several weeks ago. While worship in our churches is suspended, our joy in the Resurrection is not to be silenced.

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"Send us your Easter Messages!"

"Send us your Easter Messages!"

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

A Dorset church is asking its community to send them video contributions with messages for their Easter Worship.

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What a Picture!

What a Picture!

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

A Dorset curate has been inspired by a Facebook post to surround himself with photos of worshippers on Easter morning.

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A Zooming good Palm Sunday

A Zooming good Palm Sunday

by Michael Ford 16 April 2020

Church is changing and, for some, it is changing rather quickly.

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Are you missing hymn singing?

Are you missing hymn singing?

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

As part of their offering in the current situation, The Royal School of Church Music is encouraging everyone to join them in singing a Hymn of the Day.

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Click here to join the Clergy Team

Click here to join the Clergy Team

by Michael Ford 20 April 2020

The Diocese has held its first-ever online licensing.

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Dial S for Service

Dial S for Service

by Michael Ford 9 April 2020

Everyone seems to be talking about video live-streaming, but what about those members of our churches that have no internet access or are wary of going online?

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How is coronavirus impacting on those who renovate and restore our churches?

How is coronavirus impacting on those who renovate and restore our churches?

by Michael Ford 16 April 2020

Historic England has just launched a survey aimed at understanding the impact of the coronavirus on the businesses and skills that underpin the heritage sector.

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