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What a Picture!

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2020 11:35 AM

A Dorset curate has been inspired by a Facebook post to surround himself with photos of worshippers on Easter morning.

The Revd Lewis Pearson was inspired by the social media story of an Italian Catholic priest who, during the coronavirus lockdown in his country, requested photos of all his congregation and placed them in the pews of his Church while he said Mass.

Lewis, who intends to celebrate the Eucharist (communion) on Facebook Live at sunrise on Easter morning from his garden says:

"I am collecting photos from people who will form a visible sign of the invisible congregation who will join me, remembering them in prayer and as participants spiritually if not physically in this celebration.

"Regular churchgoer or not, I’d be delighted to have you join me either on Facebook live or through your photo pinned up on my shed or both!"

You can send your photos to .

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