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Home News Easter Gardens, Lockdown-style

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Easter Gardens, Lockdown-style

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2020 11:58 AM

All over the Diocese Easter Gardens are being set up in churchyards, community spaces and in gardens.

After a friend’s comment about virtual open gardens, the Revd Andy Muckle, Vicar of West Moors came up with the idea of a virtual Easter Garden.

Prayers at the Easter Garden are a lovely part of the Easter Day liturgy and will be missed this year amongst many things, so Andy has asked the parishioners to take a photo of their gardens, a plant or a houseplant, and send them to him by email.

He is putting them together as an Easter Garden video including the Prayers at the Easter Garden.

Already the photographs have been flooding in and he has a wonderful video that he can add to until Easter morning.

View it here

He is not alone, over in Dorchester the congregation were asked to make small personal Easter Gardens that could be placed on the church steps on Easter Sunday morning along with flowers and the Easter Lily remembrance names.

Like many of our churches, they have appealed for the community to send in pictures of their gardens.

Another one of our churches posted the enthusiastic work of one of their parishioners:

"Usually we would have a lovely Easter Garden in St Mary's Church at this time. Instead, this year, we are inviting you to create your own Easter garden and send us pictures of the results.

"Ann is going to lead the way with a patch of garden outside her house at the top of Landers Reach. She has already used a crowbar and pick axe in preparation! You can always create a smaller garden in a tray or box."

Easter Gardens, Lockdown-style- St Mary's Lychett Matravers work in progress
Work in progress at Landers Reach

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