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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
"Pray for Us"

"Pray for Us"

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

"We have no medical facilities here." “You either die of corona or die of hunger.” “Not many people can even afford to buy soap or sanitiser.”

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More poems and prose to lift the spirits

More poems and prose to lift the spirits

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

We have more contributions for our 'Lifting the spirits' page.

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Archbishop at UK's largest online assembly

Archbishop at UK's largest online assembly

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has delivered a message of hope to school pupils across the country in the biggest online school assembly ever seen in this country.

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Zoom Training Anyone?

Zoom Training Anyone?

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

While the nation is under lockdown, the work of the Ministry and Mission Support Team at the Diocese continues online.

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Coronavirus - planning ahead

Coronavirus - planning ahead

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

National church guidance is being kept under review.

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This week's Sunday Service to be signed

This week's Sunday Service to be signed

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

BBC Songs of Praise presenter the Revd Kate Bottley is to lead the Church of England’s national online broadcast this week from her home with a church service interpreted into British Sign Language (BSL) for the Deaf community.

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Remembering... Bishop Peter Vaughan

Remembering... Bishop Peter Vaughan

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

Bishop Peter Vaughan, 27 November 1930 – 4 April 2020, Bishop of Ramsbury from 1989 to 1998.

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Celebrating 800 years of Spirit and Endeavour

Celebrating 800 years of Spirit and Endeavour

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

Salisbury Cathedral is to open a virtual version of 'Celebrating 800 years of Spirit and Endeavour', its largest contemporary art exhibition for nearly 2 decades.

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The Reader and Homo Deus

The Reader and Homo Deus

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

We continue our virtual tour of the works in our Cathedral's exhibition.

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Marking VE Day

Marking VE Day

by Michael Ford 1 May 2020

VE Day on Friday 8 May marks 75 years since the end of war in Europe, a celebration of peace and hope for the future after years of destruction.

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