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"Pray for Us"

by Michael Ford last modified 01 May, 2020 06:10 PM

"We have no medical facilities here." “You either die of corona or die of hunger.” “Not many people can even afford to buy soap or sanitiser.”

"Pray for Us"

Courtesy SOMAUK on Facebook

These are just some of the messages coming out of Africa during the coronavirus pandemic, and they are asking our churches and their communities to pray for them at this frightening time.

Stephen Dinsmore, National Director of SOMA who would normally be carrying out missional work in the continent, says with missions postponed, prayer is one positive way to connect.

"The situation is challenging here, but in East Africa the pandemic could be totally catastrophic, so our friends abroad really appreciate prayer."

Here in the Diocese, more news has reached us from South Sudan.

Archbishop Bernard of the Internal Province writes:

"...worries of the Corona Virus spread around. We are fine but are living in fear of the spread of the virus from (adjacent) Uganda. We have no medical facilities here and only rely on God. Borders are closed and our only source of food is Uganda. Cost of food items have risen to the extent that only God can save us should the situation continue for another one month. Pray for us as we also pray for you."

From the Diocese of Maridi, Bishop Moses writes:

“Greetings to you and your family in this difficult time. Hope you are doing well.

“We had Easter celebration in lockdown situation but with minimum congregation of bishop, clergymen and evangelists in all our churches. I was busy as I delivered Easter message in All Saints cathedral in the morning, I went to Catholic church to deliver Easter message in their local FM radio and from 10-12 in was in Maridi FM to deliver message as well.

“Some of the concerns which need your prayer are:
1. Mothers Union need to make some response to the situation of covid-19 in Maridi by making masks to be delivered to Bethsaida clinic and Maridi Hospital as well as providing washing soaps to the elderly people in the community.
2. My pastors who are 80 in number are now in difficult situation of food and soaps. They depend on the congregations for their basic needs, but with closure of the doors of the churches, some of my priests are now living in difficult situation and we don't know when this situation will come down.
3. Some pastoral students are stuck in Uganda, they are really facing much difficulties.
4. We as church in the diocese of Maridi, would love to respond to the current situations in Maridi which need prayer support: reaching our local people in archdeaconries with awareness of Corona to the communities which do not have access to radio TV, newspapers or networks.”

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