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Mission, Ministry and Communications Team

by Michael Ford last modified 01 Nov, 2021 11:35 AM

We encourage mission and ministry across our communities and parishes to be locally led and centrally supported, in line with the Diocesan priorities for growth. This includes fostering a culture of vocation (lay and ordained), investing in ministerial formation, supporting a genuine localised strategy for mission (including discipleship and social justice), and developing the potential of our digital engagement.


Telephone: 01722 411922
Based at Church House, Salisbury SP1 2QB. Directions 

Mission and Ministry Team is overseen by the Mission and Ministry Committee.

Click a link to jump to:

Spiritual Accompaniment 
Discernment, Initial Ministerial Education (IME) and Ordination 
Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) 
Ministry for Mission (M4M) 
Lay Ministry [opens new page]
LDMC [opens new page]
Clergy Retirement Officers [opens new page]

Our Director leads our Learning for Discipleship and Ministry Team, overseeing lay learning, vocations, discernment, and formation for all authorised ministries, and has particular responsibility for Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD).

Spiritual Accompaniment

Should you require information or support, please contact the Director of Mission, Ministry and Communications (MMC), Jonathan Triffitt. 

Work includes:

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The Diocese of Salisbury seeks to encompass all aspects of mission in a way which best reflects the Glory of God and proactively engages with the Fifth Mark of Mission - 'To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth'.

Work includes:

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Our Vocations Co-ordinator is our first port of call for those exploring a call to authorised ministry, overseeing the work of our Vocations Team with particular responsibility for young vocations, and assisted by:


Andrea provides administration for vocations and the discernment process; for those training for ordained ministry (IME), and for all during their curacy. She also deals with matters related to Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) in service.

Work includes:

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Discernment, Initial Ministerial Education (IME) and Ordination

Nigel is directly responsible for the selection process for ordained ministers and the formation of ordained ministers in IME years 1-7, liaising with training ministers and curates across the diocese.

Sue works alongside our DDO in resourcing the formation of ordained ministers during their curacies. Sue is secretary to our Wellbeing Group, with a particular responsibility for Reflective Practice Groups.

Andrea provides administration for the discernment process; those training for ordained ministry (IME), and for all during their curacy. She also deals with matters related to Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) in service.

Work includes:

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Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD)

Sue helps resource the support of authorised ministers, particularly those new in post. Sue is secretary to our Wellbeing Group, with a particular responsibility for Reflective Practice Groups.

Parish Support assists with the administration of the CMD programme and matters relating to LPAs and LWLs. Please email or call 01722 411922.

Work includes:

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Ministry for Mission (M4M)

Alan chairs the Mission Council and oversees...

Steve works alongside Alan to promote and support the expansion of Fresh Expressions in our diocese. He resources our Missional HUBS, which currently include Messy Church, Cafe Church, Pioneer Ministers, New Housing, and Rural Ministry.

Work includes:

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