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Inter-religious Work

by Michael Ford last modified 21 Oct, 2020 02:53 PM

Promoting good relations and deeper understanding between Christians and people of other faiths.

Main contact:

Canon Bill advises the Bishop of Salisbury on work with other religions, promotes good relations between Christians and other faiths in the Diocese and encourages church people to learn more about the teaching and practice of other religions.

Main page here

From the Bishop of Salisbury’s Office:
The Revd Canon Bill Cave, who is also Chaplain to Wiltshire Police, has taken over as the Bishop’s Advisor on Other Faiths. Bill comes with an enormous amount of chaplaincy experience and of having worked in sensitive mediation. He is making contact with other faith communities around the diocese.

Bill Cave and Guy Wilkinson chat to the muezzin

Bill Cave and Guy Wilkinson chat to the muezzin at the Muslim Association of Salisbury

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