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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
"Kids have to play somewhere"

"Kids have to play somewhere"

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

As a Diocese, we are committed to the welfare and nurture of children and young people, and to the transformation of our communities, and that may mean 'putting our money where our mouth is'.

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Cathedrals back this year’s Anti-Slavery Day

Cathedrals back this year’s Anti-Slavery Day

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

This year’s Anti-Slavery Day - Sunday 18th October - sees Lincoln and Ely Cathedrals putting on a series of events in partnership with The Clewer Initiative.

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Life at Pilsdon

Life at Pilsdon

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

Our Diocese has a links with a number of communities set up for people from all walks of life, to provide spiritual havens, practical assistance, and to embody the Christian life in unique ways.

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City-centre Rector joins Cathedral Canons

City-centre Rector joins Cathedral Canons

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

The Rural Dean of Salisbury, Kelvin Inglis, is joining Salisbury Cathedral's College of Canons by invitation of Bishop Nicholas.

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Cathedral treasures brought to light

Cathedral treasures brought to light

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

As part of our Cathedral's 800th anniversary celebrations, a set of mid-13th century household accounts that extend 19ft, a letter from the Pope permitting the Cathedral move, and a medieval bishop’s ring have gone on display for the first time.

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The IICSA Report: an open letter

The IICSA Report: an open letter

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, the lead safeguarding bishop and the national director of safeguarding have written an open letter regarding the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

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Meet the rest of our new Deacons for 2020

Meet the rest of our new Deacons for 2020

by Michael Ford 28 September 2020

On Saturday 26th September, 14 new deacons will be ordained by Bishop Nicholas in 2 groups of 7 in our Cathedral during services at 9.00am and 11.00am.

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A quadruple marathon

A quadruple marathon

by Michael Ford 2 October 2020

The year 2020 should have been a year of celebration for the Minster Church at Wimborne to mark the 900th anniversary of the start of the building as we know it today, but plans have had to change.

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Meet the rest of our new Priests for 2020

Meet the rest of our new Priests for 2020

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

On Saturday 26th September, Bishop Karen and Bishop Andrew will ordain 8 Deacons from our Diocese as Priests, in 3 separate locations.

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Meet our new Licensed Lay Ministers for 2020

Meet our new Licensed Lay Ministers for 2020

by Michael Ford 25 September 2020

On Sunday 27th September, Bishop Karen will license 4 new Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) at Salisbury Cathedral.

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