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A quadruple marathon

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Oct, 2020 04:12 PM

The year 2020 should have been a year of celebration for the Minster Church at Wimborne to mark the 900th anniversary of the start of the building as we know it today, but plans have had to change.

A quadruple marathon

Chris Slocock is blessed by Rector Andrew Rowland. Photo by Russell Sach

 A number of events had been planned including a commemorative brochure, the once-every-5-years Flower Festival, and a Minster Makes Music Appeal to raise funds for a major overhaul and repair of the Minster’s Organ.

Due to Covid-19, plans have changed.

However, local man Chris Slocock is determined that all will not be lost and is planning to walk round the Minster 900 times - the equivalent of over 4 marathons - to raise a minimum of £900 for the Minster Makes Music Appeal, and to mark the Minster’s 900th anniversary. He has been inspired by others who have captured the public imagination.

Chris will undertake his first laps on Sunday 27th September after the 9.30am Parish Eucharist Service, starting at around 11.00am. The Sunday marks the Commemoration of Benefactors, with the Minster Governors present at the Service. Bishop Andrew will preach, and set Chris off on his walk after the service.

Chris says:

“Think of what the building means to the Town of Wimborne Minster and everyone involved in the wider community. Let’s be proud and celebrate our wonderful Minster and what it means to all of us!”

If you would like to donate, you may do so here.

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