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Home News Meet the rest of our new Priests for 2020

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Meet the rest of our new Priests for 2020

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2020 10:33 PM

On Saturday 26th September, Bishop Karen and Bishop Andrew will ordain 8 Deacons from our Diocese as Priests, in 3 separate locations.

The 4 men and 4 women have been serving in urban parishes and rural benefices across the Diocese from Canalside in the north west to Swanage and Studland in the south east.

They include a former travel agent, a nurse and an outdoor education instructor.

Their hobbies include basket weaving, sea swimming, Lego, and slacklining (using long strips of webbing as a tightrope).

We caught up with 2 of them last week, and we meet the rest below.

Meet our new Priests for 2020-Lyndon Webb

Lyndon Webb has been serving as an Assistant Curate in Broadstone, and has a long list of hobbies, from walking, cycling, basket weaving, cooking and baking, sewing, and knitting, to playing saxophone, singing, gardening and acting, to employ at parish level.

Ever-creative, he has been spotted numerous times leading creative worship and posting reflective thoughts on social media.

Speaking about lockdown during a session of 'Bite-size Breakfast Church' on YouTube, he says:

"It's the beginning of a whole new way of being with each other, and there'll be plenty of time to celebrate in the future.

"Even though new beginnings can be scary (lots of us have mentioned that), they can also really be a wonderful opportunity to start a new chapter in your life."

Meet our new Priests for 2020- Fiona Beale

The Revd Fiona Beale has switched dioceses, having been an an Associate Minister in St Mary’s Bransgore Parish, Winchester Diocese.

Moving to a multi parish ministry with 12 parishes and 15 Churches - the Beaminster Area Team - is rewarding, and close to her heart as a minister.

Already keen cyclist and walker, now considering getting a dog, Fiona says:

"I intend to undertake stipendiary ministry in a rural parish, looking at all aspects of rural ministry.

"I have been cycling around the parishes with some parishioners. I will continue to build new connections through biking around Dorset and hopefully also undertake some pilgrimages. I love exploring ancient monuments!

As a Youthwork and Community Developer and Outdoor Education Instructor, she says:

"I have been using the community development work within the pandemic already. I set up a Community Support Group which incorporated other key members and organisations within the local community.

"I'm looking forward to my first Holy Communion and wedding in particular, as well getting stuck into parish life and being able to sing with others again.

The best bit of being a Deacon?

"The people by far, building relationships. They are amazing."

Meet our new Priests for 2020- Solveig Sonet

At 37, The Revd Solveig Sonet is one of our youngest new priests.

Having been a verger at Salisbury Cathedral and a Pastoral Assistant at St Barnabas Clapham Common, she is now posted to scenic Swanage and Studland, hoping to:

"Explore all sorts of creative ways to reach out and engage a majorly offline congregation in times when we aren’t able to meet face to face safely."

Solveig is not short of ideas, with her interests including climate action, social justice, inclusivity, schools work, spiritual expression through engagement with art, walking, dancing, playing music, growing vegetables, and Zoom cocktail parties.

And she may have an ace up her sleeve:

"I enjoy walking on slacklines, and I'm hoping to one day find church pillars strong enough to tie mine around and use this for a sermon!"

Meet our new Priests for 2020- Joy Albone

The Revd Joy Albone is 61, and shows no signs of slowing down.

Having been an LPA in the Melksham Team Ministry, "Plus numerous other roles that I had to stop due to training!" she has been busy in the Canalside Benefice, developing all aspects of parish ministry as she discerns a specific focus for the future.

Joy and her husband have 2 adult children, with a younger son due to get married in August - the wedding was postponed due to Covid-19 - and an elder daughter nearby with her husband and 2 young children.

Previous employment included working for an online retailer selling maps and travel guides, and prior to that Joy taught infants at Primary School.

She says:

"My skills as a teacher have already been of use for Messy Church, Prayer Spaces and leading Collective Worship in Schools. My very first day as a Deacon in the parish saw me down on my knees talking with Reception children about forgiveness as part of a Prayer Space Day!

At the other end of the age scale, she enjoys gardening, saying:

"I grew up on a farm, and have been able to use this experience when speaking with older parishioners, many of whom worked on the land most of their lives."

She has greatly appreciated "The strong supportive relationship I have had with my Training Incumbent and the delight of getting to know the people of the Benefice," and has a strong suit when it comes to anecdotes.

Joy says:

"My very first solo funeral as a deacon was to finish with a burial in the adjacent cemetery to the church. When I arrived at the church a good hour before the service, I was concerned to find the hole still being dug but reasoned there was still plenty of time for them to complete the procedure. I could still hear the digger as I escorted the deceased into the church at the start of the service, however the service continued as planned until during the final hymn just before the prayers of commendation, when I received a message from the Funeral Director to say the grave was still not ready and could I hold the congregation in church a little longer. This little longer turned out to be 15 minutes; thankfully the family and friends all saw the humour of the situation and had a good laugh about it, saying it was almost as if the deceased (a known prankster) had arranged it.

"Needless to say, since then, I have always made certain the grave is dug well before the service!"

Meet our new Priests for 2020- Matthew Renyard colourful

Matthew Renyard, 41, is a familiar face at St Francis Salisbury, but has moved to the coast and is thriving on the sea air.

Serving Radipole and Melcombe Regis, Weymouth, he has had to 'skill up' in his new role, learning about live broadcasting as well as developing his social media presence.

He says:

"I've had a focus on families and children within our community, schools work, and a major focus on digital.

"I worked as a nurse from the age of 18 in Salisbury NHS Trust for a total of 20 years before training at Trinity, Bristol, spending a decade of it in theatres specialising in anaesthetics & orthopaedic care as a charge nurse – affectionately called ‘Brother’ by my colleges - how prophetic they were!

"My previous life was all about being with people and looking after them. Now I just get to look after people in a different way but still be with them – bringing Christ into every circumstance.

Matthew is married to Nikki, with 2 children and 2 cats - Ben and Jerry.

He enjoys cycling, running and swimming in the sea, and "Building Lego with my kiddos and playing computer games.

"My swimming in the sea has birthed a dad’s club from my kiddos' school. We come from all walks of life and our regular swims are a time for us to share – all of them know I’m a Rev, so Jesus often makes an appearance in our discussions.

Does he have a party trick to make people laugh? "I can fold my ears!"

This year,

"I am looking forward to presiding at communion within my community. I'm also looking forward to seeing how God works over these coming months to strengthen and build community even in these strange and difficult times. I'm not looking forward to taking yet more funerals...

"But the best bit has been settling into a community, meeting and getting to know a wide-ranging bunch of folk and being privileged to walk with people through the ups and downs of life."


Please pray for our new Priests:
Joy Albone (Canalside Benefice)
Fiona Beale (Beaminster area)
Roger Leake (Chalke Valley)
Matt Renyard (Radipole & Melcombe Regis)
Richard Saint (Southbroom St James)
Solveig Sonet (Swanage and Studland)
Lyndon Webb (Broadstone)

Saturday 26 September:
At 11.00am, Bishop Karen will ordain Solveig Sonet and Lyndon Webb to the priesthood at Swanage and Bishop Andrew will ordain Joy Albone, Roger Leake and Richard Saint at Edington.
Then at 3.00pm Bishop Karen will ordain Fiona Beale and Matt Renyard at Weymouth.

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