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Home News Cathedrals back this year’s Anti-Slavery Day

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Cathedrals back this year’s Anti-Slavery Day

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Oct, 2020 11:28 PM

This year’s Anti-Slavery Day - Sunday 18th October - sees Lincoln and Ely Cathedrals putting on a series of events in partnership with The Clewer Initiative.

Cathedrals back this year’s Anti-Slavery Day

The 'Invisible People' exhibition

On Sunday 18th October at 10:30am, Bishop Alastair Redfern will preach in Ely Cathedral, with a live stream of the service.

Watch online here.

After the service at 12.00, Shayne Tyler from Fresca Group will talk about modern slavery, with a follow-on discussion between Shayne, Caroline Virgo of the Clewer Initiative, and Jessica Martin of Ely Cathedral. More here.

Lincoln Cathedral will host an outdoor exhibition of the National Crime Agency’s Invisible People, on the subject of modern slavery, during the week leading up to Anti-Slavery day, and the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership initiative will be running a regional public awareness campaign.

The cathedral will also be illuminated on the evening of Sunday 18th October.

We hope that you will be able to join the live stream if you are able, and to share with us in marking this important day.

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