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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Putting the Ark into St Mark's

Putting the Ark into St Mark's

by Michael Ford 16 July 2021

The Salisbury’s Men’s Shed group is making parts for the St Mark’s ‘Ark’ project, a public art installation and community project.

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Our Planet

Our Planet

by Michael Ford 16 July 2021

As we seek to make changes to our lives to reduce our impact on the planet - and start to give back as part of Net Zero - parishes are sharing some great ideas.

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Feeding the hungry in Sudan

Feeding the hungry in Sudan

by Michael Ford 16 July 2021

The Archbishop of Sudan, Ezekiel Kondo, has issued a report on food distribution funded by last year's Sudans Emergency Appeal in this Diocese.

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Archbishop speaks out on South Sudan

Archbishop speaks out on South Sudan

by Michael Ford 16 July 2021

The Most Revd Dr Justin Badi Arama, Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, has issued a strongly-worded pastoral letter on the tenth anniversary of the founding of South Sudan.

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Walking St Edward’s Way

Walking St Edward’s Way

by Michael Ford 16 July 2021

This footpath route between Wareham and Shaftesbury Abbey was developed by the Dorset Ramblers, but has been delayed due to the pandemic. Bishop Karen will be leading a pilgrimage walk over three days in early September.

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'Next year in Jerusalem!'

'Next year in Jerusalem!'

by Michael Ford 16 July 2021

Two of our priests are organising a trip to the Holy Land next year.

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'Leave no one behind'

'Leave no one behind'

by Michael Ford 16 July 2021

With the centenary of the First World War, many parishes became key players in researching local history - and there have been some surprises.

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Thank you from Bishop Nicholas

Thank you from Bishop Nicholas

by Michael Ford 9 July 2021

Following his retirement as Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop Nicholas has issued a thank-you, saying that he and Helen feel "overwhelmed."

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South Sudan Turns Ten

South Sudan Turns Ten

by Michael Ford 9 July 2021

Today, 9th July 2021, marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of South Sudan, the world's youngest country as an independent state, after 22 years of civil war and a further six years of negotiation.

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Clergy Day 2021

Clergy Day 2021

by Michael Ford 9 July 2021

218 of our hard-working priests and a few other attendees recently joined together with Bishop Karen and keynote speaker Dr Krish Kandiah for the 2021 Clergy Day on Zoom.

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