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Feeding the hungry in Sudan

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Jul, 2021 05:46 PM

The Archbishop of Sudan, Ezekiel Kondo, has issued a report on food distribution funded by last year's Sudans Emergency Appeal in this Diocese.

Feeding the hungry in Sudan

Food distribution in El Obeid

The Appeal, commissioned by then-Bishop of Salisbury Nicholas Holtam, raised over £78,000, and the funds were divided between Sudan and South Sudan, with £44,300 going to Sudan.

The Appeal was in direct response to the request of the Archbishop of Sudan, The Most Revd Ezekiel Kondo.

The report notes:

"The funds were received in two parts, £5,000 was sent in advance to the Province of Sudan to meet the most pressing needs of those who much affected by the lockdown due to the Covid 19 pandemic and then the £39,300 did follow when the funds were raised.

"The same amount was also sent the sister Province of South Sudan for the same purpose. The £44,300 converted to US$52,680.57 and this money was then changed to SDG15,804,171 Sudanese Pounds.

"The amount was then divided proportionally between the five Dioceses of Sudan: Khartoum, Kadugli, El Obeid, Port Sudan and Wad Medani, plus the Provincial Office.

"The Distribution:

  1. Diocese of Khartoum: Khartoum managed to distribute food items to 32 churches and centers with total number of 3,036 families. This includes 77 pastors and lay readers and Mothers’ Union members.
  2. Diocese of Kadugli: Kadugli managed to distribute food items mainly dura/sorghum in Kadugli town, Murtah, Delange/Dilling and the other side of the divide (SPLM/N area).
  3. Diocese of El Obeid: El Obeid distributed food items in terms of dura/sorghum, lentils, rice, soup and sugar. The distribution was given to all people irrespective of their faith or ethnicity.
  4. Diocese of Port Sudan: Port Sudan manage to distribute food items in terms of lentils, oil, sugar, rice and clothes
  5. Diocese of Wad Medani: Wad Medani managed to distribute food items to 365 families and individuals and prisoners, widows, orphans and disabled persons
  6. Provincial Office: Provincial office staff was given relief in terms of money for them to buy food for their families."

Read the fully-illustrated report, with detailed figures, here.

Archbishop Ezekiel inspects food supplies in Khartoum

Feeding the hungry in Sudan- Archbishop Ezekiel inspects food supplies in Khartoum

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