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Clergy Day 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Jul, 2021 10:09 PM

218 of our hard-working priests and a few other attendees recently joined together with Bishop Karen and keynote speaker Dr Krish Kandiah for the 2021 Clergy Day on Zoom.

Bishop Karen tweeted:

"Was really looking forward to meeting up in real life for our clergy day at Bryanston School after so long, alas timing means zooming instead. Worship at 10.15, delighted to have Krish Kandiah with us to speak and then to give all Diocese of Salisbury clergy, if possible, the rest of the day off.

"Barbecues and trips to the beach are happening for some. Let us know what you have planned."

Canon Jonathan Triffitt added:

"Really looking forward to welcoming Krish Kandiah to the Diocese of Salisbury #ClergyDay. Prayers for the Bishop of Sherborne as she hosts our online gathering. Grateful for the technology that enables us to meet."

Clergy Day 2021- Jo Neary's study
Jo Neary's study

In Beaminster, the Revd Jo Neary posted:

"Today we have our clergy day which would normally be the whole Diocese getting together at Bryanston school. Instead we have a Zoom meeting followed by a BBQ with chapter colleagues. Not quite the same, but still good to be together.

"Lord God, thank you for technology that keeps us connected. We pray for those we love but we haven't seen recently. Keep us safe until we meet again. Amen."

The Revd Heather Breary tweeted:

"#Clergyday with Krish Kandiah. 218 of us on Zoom how amazing is that!

"It wasn't that long ago that we used to struggle with technology for 8 of us on Skype for tutorials at college!"

After online worship and a welcome from Bishop Karen, Krish Kandiah, a published author and government adviser, started his lively keynote talk with a personal story and the Gospel of John, chapter 20.

He talked about the early Church and how Jesus' disciples went from hiding to public joy and flourishing.

Clergy Day 2021- Krish Kandiah
Krish Kandiah begins his keynote talk

He challenged the gathering to consider whether the Church had been in some form of lockdown or ghetto even before Covid hit, and quoted the Bible verse in Genesis chapter 1, "It's not good for man [humanity] to be alone."

Using an illustration of matches unlit, lit and burnt, he urged clergy listening to be aware of which they, or their parishioners, were - and that we can cheer each other on as we run the race of life.

Clergy Day 2021- Krish Kandiah's matches illustration
Krish Kandiah's matches illustration

Read the thread on Twitter here and on Facebook here.

The message, and the Q&A afterwards, went over well.

The Revd Jo Naish tweeted:

"Absolutely cracking morning - full of prayerful reflection, a fabulously engaging and challenging speaker and profound worship. And on Zoom as well! Thank you so much."

The Revd Leila Mather tweeted:

"Wonderful Diocese of Salisbury clergy day today: Great address from Krish Kandiah followed by surprise road trip with TI and lovely afternoon outing to Moreton walled garden (and cafe) with our fabulous deanery chapter. Such a great bunch to minister amongst! #PrayServeGrow #ruralhope"

Jonathan Triffitt tweeted his thanks afterwards, saying:

"Thank you Krish for being such a gift to the Diocese of Salisbury #ClergyDay today & for the Bishop of Sherborne for hosting & leading us in worship. You are both a blessing to us & the Church. #RenewingHope"

The Revd Matt Renyard tweeted his thanks to Krish, saying:

"Thank you for your words and time Krish at the Clergy Day in the Diocese of Salisbury
- God bless."

And the Revd Mike Tufnel added:

"Thanks! Really good input."

Bishop Karen posted later:

"Really good to be with over 200 colleagues on Wednesday. Not the same as the real thing, but special to lead us in worship and for us to engage together."

See below for screenshots of just some of our clergy and other attendees.

 Clergy Day 2021 Clergy 1Clergy Day 2021 Clergy 2Clergy Day 2021 Clergy 3Clergy Day 2021 Clergy 4Clergy Day 2021 Clergy 5Clergy Day 2021 Clergy 6Clergy Day 2021 Clergy 7

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