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'Next year in Jerusalem!'

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Jul, 2021 05:45 PM

Two of our priests are organising a trip to the Holy Land next year.

From 3rd-15th May 2022, the Revd Canon Chris Tebbutt and the Revd Andrew Corke will be leading their fourth pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan visiting all the key sites in Biblical Israel and Jordan.

Chris and Andrew say:

"In Israel, we’ll be going to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, the River Jordan, the Dead Sea, Masada, the Negev Desert (the scene of Israel’s 40-year wandering) and Samaria.

"In Jordan, our trip includes the famed City of Petra, the Wadi Rum (where ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ was filmed) and Mount Nebo (where Moses took a last look over the Promised Land).

'Next year in Jerusalem'- visiting Petra
Visiting Petra

"And we’ll be staying in some wonderful places - on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea and also right inside the Old City of Jerusalem.

"We have the services of two brilliant Israeli and Jordanian guides who have guided us before giving fascinating historical detail and biblical teaching.

"Celebrating holy communion on a boat on Lake Galilee and in the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem are just two of the unforgettable experiences of a trip to the Holy Land and we would love you to journey with us.

"To quote Jewish pilgrims, we look forward to seeing you 'Next year in Jerusalem!'"

Please contact Chris and Andrew for more details and a full itinerary - Chris’s contact details are , 07917 190307.

Below: a view from the Mount of Olives

'Next year in Jerusalem'- a view from the Mount of Olives


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