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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Cooking for Life

Cooking for Life

by Michael Ford 22 October 2021

The Covid lockdown has prompted Dorchester's Christian Aid group book to launch a new recipe book to raise funds for the world’s poorest people.

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Young bellringers go bellistic in Worcester

Young bellringers go bellistic in Worcester

by Michael Ford 22 October 2021

"Great day! Wonderful time! Brilliant day!" Just some of the comments from the teenaged ‘Go Bellistic’ team as they visited Worcester for the annual Ringing World National Youth Contest (RWNYC).

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Introducing Amber and Grace

Introducing Amber and Grace

by Michael Ford 22 October 2021

With Digital Resource Officer Michael Ford moving on after 13 years, the search was on for a successor – or successors. Step forward Amber Jackson and Grace McSharry.

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From BC to UK

From BC to UK

by Michael Ford 22 October 2021

Our parish priests come from a variety of backgrounds, and a number of them will join us from outside the Diocese. One priest will be joining us from British Columbia, western Canada, early next year.

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Farewell to Gill Ford

Farewell to Gill Ford

by Michael Ford 22 October 2021

As we seek to help and foster faith in children and young people in this Diocese, one of our key partners has been Gill Ford, of the Children's Society charity. After a 30+ year career in the charity sector, she has decided to retire.

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Harvest 2021

Harvest 2021

by Michael Ford 17 October 2021

As our parishes become more internet-savvy, the line between 'in person' and 'online' is becoming blurred - but in a good way. Face-to-face services are often broadcast to those at home, and quality photography brings home the care taken in displays, activities and services.

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Call of the sea

Call of the sea

by Michael Ford 27 October 2021

Our Diocesan Director of Communications and co-editor of Grapevine, Carole Peters-King is leaving us after three busy years that included overseeing our communications during the pandemic.

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200K for Community Advisors

200K for Community Advisors

by Michael Ford 15 October 2021

The Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education is delighted to announce they have been awarded a £200,000 grant, across three years, from Allchurches Trust.

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In the footsteps of Columba

In the footsteps of Columba

by Michael Ford 15 October 2021

Next week, Bishop Karen and the Revd Louise Ellis, Vicar of Lilliput, will be leading a long-awaited Diocesan pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona.

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This church is going Wild!

This church is going Wild!

by Michael Ford 15 October 2021

During lockdown, many of us took the opportunity to explore our local area during daily exercise and this, along with awareness of climate and sustainability issues, has inspired fresh thinking.

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