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Cooking for Life

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Oct, 2021 04:14 PM

The Covid lockdown has prompted Dorchester's Christian Aid group book to launch a new recipe book to raise funds for the world’s poorest people.

In the past, supporters have helped raise thousands of pounds each Christian Aid Week through house to house collections. But the loss of this fund-raising opportunity in 2020 and 2021 led to the group to look at new avenues. 

Having hit on the idea, the group appealed for recipes and were delighted to receive more than 100, some from as far afield as India, Greece, Germany and France. Some of the recipes are original, others are family favourites, and senders have given background information to the recipes they have chosen. 

Recipes range from Brother Hugh’s soup from the Hilfield Friary at Minterne Magna to Greek stew from former Christian Aid regional coordinator Callum Humphries from his time spent studying at Athens University. There are traditional Dorset apple cake recipes and a range of vegetarian and vegan dishes. 

The book has a forward by Christian Aid’s Head of Community Fundraising and Public Engagement Chine McDonald, who writes:  

"We at Christian Aid are so thankful to Dorchester and District Christian Aid group for their generosity and innovation in creating this book. 

"They are one of the most active Christian Aid groups in the country and since 2005 have raised more than £359,000. We have been so inspired by the creativity of Christian Aid’s supporters up and down the country, who devised new and different ways to raise money for Christian Aid Week when the coronavirus pandemic meant our 55,000 volunteers could not take part in their annual activities.  

"We are so thankful for all the support, especially during our 75th year." 

Tony Boyden, chairman of the Dorchester and District group, said the book was a chance for people to give their support to a charity that works constantly with the most marginalised and poorest in our global society.

Cooking for Life- Dorchester Christian Aid cookbook- Tony Boyden and Tony McDougal
Tony Boyden and Tony McDougal

He said: 

"Poverty is an outrage in the 21st century, a crime against humanity as it robs people of their dignity and lets injustice thrive. By buying this book you are making a difference." 

The book is available from churches across Dorchester and can also be ordered by emailing It costs £10 with all proceeds going to Christian Aid and an additional £2 for package and postage. 

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